Name Analysis & Name Meaning

by YNR Studios



Name Analysis - Name Meaning consists of many modules to find the secrets and facts behind your name. Name analyzer app is a great new name facts application.Name Meanings Analysis application offers you to analyze your name with personality analysis, letter analysis, first letter analysis and also find your lucky number according to your name.Names have impact on personality of people. Also they describe people. Describing people is so easy with this app. Name meanings and name impact on peoples life are important issues. Name Meanings Analysis application will analyze letter by letter of each words of your name. Find out whats your name hidden meaning. If you try to find “fun games for when your bored and you are in the car no internet” you have just found the right thing in this free app.************************Main Features************************◉ Name analysis personality◉ Analyse my name◉ Personality meaning◉ Describing people◉ First name meaning◉ Personality by name◉ Lucky number finder◉ First name and last name◉ Name analysis numerology◉ Save and Share your Name Meaning with friends and familyIts totally free app. Youll easily find what does your name say about you. If you are looking for some good names of girls or names of boys for your baby this applicaion is the best one to find. This “a to z name app” will make it easier for you.******************Boring, confusing and insistent advertisements do not take palace in our application. We look forward to hearing from you! Whether it’s a suggestion, bug you found.